Archive for : April, 2014
10 years, 3 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

Apply grease, oil, or anti-seize (dilute a small portion in separate, dedicated container with engine oil or WD-40), dependent on what it is, to everything that moves and a lotta things that don’t  … Every single bolt and nut that has anything to do with the bumper or bumper brackets Clutch cable – including the threaded adjusting  end and definitely the pivot and clip on the front end of a bus cable unless you want that little pin/clip thing to […]

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10 years, 3 months ago 2
Posted in: Uncategorized

except for a bucket of grease. First of all, realize there’s 4 parts to the “securing system” on a VW  front door – the inside operating lever (the thing you pull to open the door from the inside), the outside operating lever (the outer handle), the lock (the thing the key goes in), and the latch itself, which is inside the front door.  99% of  problems – that’s right, nearly all problems related to door shutting and locking problems are caused by […]

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10 years, 3 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

Installing a 4 inch narrower front axle beam on your air-cooled Volkswagen with the springs cut 4 inches shorter to fit … A. Makes the vehicle more stable, corner better, makes it harder to flip over, and it makes fancy wheels fit. B. Makes the vehicle less stable  and it makes your spine tingle when it feels like the vehicle is going to tip over when unaggressivly changing lanes on the freeway at 50 mph (especially in a bus) and it […]

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